A crown can be necessary when large cavities threaten the survival of a tooth. A crown will completely cap or cover an existing tooth. In order for crowns to match existing teeth each one is customised to the patient. Bridgework is used to replace a missing tooth.
Crown and Bridgework
It is a tooth shaped cover which fits over the existing structure of your natural tooth to protect and restore the tooth's function. Crowns can be used to strengthen teeth which have been weakened by decay or a large filling, protect fractured, cracked and worn teeth, improve the shape, alignment and shade of a tooth, after root canal treatment, to help strengthen the tooth.
Each crown is individually handcrafted by our dental technician to create a healthy, natural look.

Dental Imprint in Preparation for Crowns Image from Wikipedia.

Comparison between a porcelain-metal dental crown, an all-porcelain dental crown and a porcelain veneer laminate Image from Wikipedia.